To kick off the workshop we’ll introduce ourselves and provide a brief overview of design thinking.  This workshop is designed to give participants an opportunity to  to apply design thinking approaches to a medical education challenge.  In this first session of the day we’ll begin to consider what the key challenges in medical and healthcare professions education might be.

Key to the whole workshop is listening to the problems and the ideas that fellow participants have and to work with them in an open and productive manner. This workshop is about thinking outside the box, thinking in new ways, presenting ideas in in different ways.   Sketching out ideas rather than writing them.

For an introductory overview if design thinking and its importance in medical education take a look at

Basil Badwan, Roshit Bothara, Mieke Latijnhouwers, Alisdair Smithies & John Sandars (2018) The importance of design thinking in medical education, Medical Teacher, 40:4, 425-426, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2017.1399203

Next – The Challenge