Open Learning Initiative: using learning science to iteratively improve course design flickr photo by giulia.forsythe shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

As we begin to explore how you can develop as an open medical eduction practitioner let’s start by thinking about how we learn.

Think about:

  • The spaces that you learn in, both the physical and the virtual.
  • The tools and resources that you use, are these open and free to use or are they paid for or closed and restricted access.
  • How do you record and reflect on your learning, do you use a notebook, do you create sketch notes, do use any digital tools or apps to organise and file resources that support your learning?
  • Do you share what you’ve learned? Perhaps in team meetings, conversations with colleagues? Do you share your learning through social networks or online forums?

Discuss these points in your group and then begin to map out your own personal learning cycle or learning environment, detailing the places, spaces, resources and tools that you use to support your learning.  You can sketch this out any way you like.  Here are a few examples that we put together to give you some inspiration.

Open Learning Cycle

Personal Learning Environment

Next Activity – Understanding Copyright